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pickup lines

6 Pick Up Lines for Russian Women

768 460 Anastasia L

Sometimes when you see a beautiful Russian woman, you just don’t know what to say. It can be stressful figuring out how to begin a conversation or make them smile. We have 6 pick up lines for Russian women that will help you break the ice. Expressing how you really feel inside can be tricky to convey at times. 

1. Guess what I’m wearing? The smile you gave me.

Угадай, что на мне надето? Улыбка, которую вы мне подарили.

2. You make me feel like no woman has made me feel before. Marry me now.

Ты заставляешь меня чувствовать, как ни одна женщина не заставила меня чувствовать себя раньше. Выходи за меня замуж

3. Is your father a thief? He stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.

Твой отец вор? Он украл звезды с неба, чтобы оставить их в твоих глазах 

4. I think I’ve fallen in love with you.

Мне кажется, я в тебя влюбился

5. You look beautiful in that dress.

Ты прекрасно выглядишь в этом платье


6. What is your star sign? I feel that we are cosmically connected.

Какой твой знак зодиака? Я чувствую, что мы космически связаны

Now that you know the 6 pick up lines for Russian women, you can start trying them out! Always assess why certain pick up lines worked in or against your favor before using them again. At Russian Dating Review, we not only want you to find the woman of your dreams, but we also want you to be charming during the process.